

A couple of weeks ago we went to London with the purpose of seeing Sound of Music (Steve's birthday present - don't ask!!) - whilst we were there I wanted to go to the Tate Modern to see Shibboleth in the Turbine Hall.
I am generally a fan of the Tate Moderns exhibitions in the Turbine Hall. It is a fantastic space and i think the Tate are good a pushing a few boundaries as to what is art.

Shibboleth is basically a huge crack in the halls' floor - it is fascinating. From the perspective of how on earth did they manage to do that but also the artists perspective on what it represents.
Doris Salcedo has done some really inspirational pieces of installation art around the world. i particularly like the thinking behind the piece in the Tate Modern - the tate's website says the following

Doris Salcedo’s Shibboleth is the first work to intervene directly in the fabric of the Turbine Hall. Rather than fill this iconic space with a conventional sculpture or installation, Salcedo has created a subterranean chasm that stretches the length of the Turbine Hall. The concrete walls of the crevice are ruptured by a steel mesh fence, creating a tension between these elements that resist yet depend on one another. By making the floor the principal focus of her project, Salcedo dramatically shifts our perception of the Turbine Hall’s architecture, subtly subverting its claims to monumentality and grandeur. Shibboleth asks questions about the interaction of sculpture and space, about architecture and the values it enshrines, and about the shaky ideological foundations on which Western notions of modernity are built.

In particular, Salcedo is addressing a long legacy of racism and colonialism that underlies the modern world. A ‘shibboleth’ is a custom, phrase or use of language that acts as a test of belonging to a particular social group or class. By definition, it is used to exclude those deemed unsuitable to join this group.

If you are in London i would highly recommend it - it is also really interesting watching others interact with the piece.

Oh and of the Sound of Music - the singing and set were brilliant - Connie's acting though left a little to be desired, but lets be honest it is the songs you go for!



We have put lots of pictures on the Flikr account recently!

Scottish holiday ones ...

Frank even has his own set ...

there are more links on Steve's blog - Frank


More festival fun

A couple of weekend's ago we went to Trowbridge Pump Festival
This has become a bit of a regular in our round of festivals. despite the awful weather and broken toes we had a good time with friends,

Saw some great music -
Levellers were brilliant, the Spooky Men's Chorale were very funny, and I liked some stuff we had not heard before - Van Eyken, Roy Bailey and Ruthie Foster.

It was also the first outing in our new van (Evie picture below), once we eventually got her started thanks to the AA man - always a good start to any holiday! - and we got use to the new quirks i think we both felt she is going to be a good travelling companion this year.

some pictures of the festival below and here

Evie the new van!


last Sunday i reconnected with part of my soul...

Last Sunday Steve, Jen and I went to see Metallica at Wembley Stadium.


Given that they are in their late 40's, Metallica still know how to play and put on an amazing show... the rifts and amazing skill as musicians (whatever you think of the genre of music) resonate so soundly with my soul - it is a great feeling!
Wembley is pretty cool too!

more photos are here

this picture was taken by JBrown


goodbye Flo ...

Well yesterday saw a end to a big era in my life - we made the decision to finally scrap my campervan (affectionately known as Flo) and sending her to the big scrapyard in the sky.

I bought Flo about 5 years ago for a very reasonable price and she has been a great van for touring about in and doing festivals even though at times she would over heat and had funny quirky things about how she operated - it all added to her character!

After Greenbelt last year - Steve was driving her home and her engine blew - the garage assured us that it would be a case of fitting quick replacement engine and then we would be off again - they proceeded to do nothing about it and so she has sat in their garage rotting away all winter.

I feel quite upset about getting rid of her and strangely attached to what is actually a block of metal and oil ...why is this?
why have i formed such a strong attachment to an inanimate object?

I have decided that it signifies a loss, not just of a possession but of a freedom that somehow having a home on wheels gave me.
Having the campervan for me when I was a single person enabled me to travel around and feel safe when i locked the doors at night, Flo being scrapped some how is the final possession that was 'mine' that has been sacrificed now i am a married woman, my Independence gone and now accountable to another.

So thank you Flo for all the journeys and sights we have seen and for making my holidays and exploring safe

P.S. think Steve is secretly pleased as he was too long for the bed and so Flo mark II will be bought with his height in mind! and be assured there will be another van in my life...


Free ticket to Greenbelt ?

if you are looking for a free ticket to greenbelt we are looking to recruit a team of stewards in the new forms cafe venue, you need to be friendly and happy to count people and point people towards the door! you'd get some meal vouchers when working too.
leave a contact e-mail below if interested.
it's an indoor venue and where a lot of the alt worship is happening on site.


The Onion

The Onion website and newspaper (if you are in San Francisco) has always been a delight for satirical news
Now they bring us the Onion News Network (ONN) - click on the link below the clip for their other latest new story - brilliant!

Gap Unveils New 'For Kids By Kids' Clothing Line


Chef for the day (well evening!)

Last night i had the wonderful opportunity to be a chef at Loch Fyne on Welsh Back - it was a competition I won as part of their fish week.
It was great fun and the staff in the kitchen were extremely friendly. I even got to cook food that was served to real customers - which amazed me! i also learnt how to properly fillet a fish and cook and pick a crab, as well as some top recipe tips!

on top of this i then was given a free meal for 4 - which obviously was fabulous.

thank you Loch Fyne!

some dodgy pics of the event!



Let's go to San Francisco

Over a week ago i returned from San Francisco having spent a week there with a friend. I didn't know what to expect - having been to New York and loving it and then LA and hating it - i had been assured by everyone that i would love it and indeed i did. what a great city!
Friendly, chilled out, small and accessible - if you don't mind walking up hills!, great transport system, clean and really interesting.

It is hard to say what my favourite things were but a big surprise was the street cars which run on tracks and powered by electric cables and run north-south along Market (one of the few none hilly streets) - these were beautiful machines and well maintained, i seemed to follow in my friends footsteps and became a bit of a transport geek!

Alcatraz was also really interesting - with a brilliant guided tour narrated by ex-prison guards and prisoners.

The views from cocktails bars on the top of the city's skyscraper hotels were also a amazing (or should that be the cocktails were a highlight!).

I think my favourite area was North Beach - with the most fantastic bookstore i have ever been in - Citylights. Home of the start of the beatniks movement it has an ambiance which sucks you in and you get lost wondering through the shelves of books on every conceivable subject. i could of spent my entire savings in this store! Along with citylights there were great coffee shops, Italian restaurants and good bars!

A trip outside the city revealed the stunning Muir woods with the gigantic Coastal Redwoods and a tour of wineries were much wine tasting was undertaken!

there are lots of photos here and here but below are couple of my favourite



Go and have a look at the nakedpastors blog - some intersting stuff on there and good comic insights


Coping ...

I love this latest post on the Ongoing Adventures of ASBO Jesus. Sums up how i feel!

This blog is by Jon Brich - one half of Proost and and member of Sanctuary in Bath. He is a very creative man!


Some food for thought this Easter

I've just been catching up with some blogs and there is some good stuff out there for this Good Friday.
I particularly liked Kesters' blog about the end of strategy - particularly the latest blog entry today which resonated with me
Moot have also posted a couple of interesting bits today
and the Grace Lent blog (over the whole of lent has had some gems)


Community Cohesion

Today for work i went to a conference at the council house - was not overly enthused it has to be said but this one was about 'Faith in the Community - Building a cohesive community'. I spend so much of my work life talking about community cohesion - what it means, why it can't work, why it needs to address racism, why different groups need to be funded etc etc - so i was not thinking that anything new would come out of today.

I was actually pleasantly surprised! Firstly on a personal level I found some of the discussion quite interesting - interfaith conversations I feel are going to become a more necessary and frequent part to our faith communities. I think there is a lot to learn from other faiths without having to feel threatened by others faith.

Secondly and perhaps most surprisingly, was a presentation about Radio Salaam Shalom. A radio station truly run by Jews and Muslims, discussing real issues that divide and unite them. Peter Brill spoke very passionately about the project but i think the thing that inspired me most, is that when all the time in my work it is about why people don't get on and why people shouldn't be here, it showed that when people genuinely want to have dialogue and find out about others - it works.

Radio Salaam Shalom is an internet radio station click here to read more about it! I would recommend it!


Super heros

Last week we went to visit my nephew for his 4th birthday - he had a superhero's party - and Frank (yes our dog) was invited!
as a bit of fun I decided frank needed a costume and decided to make a cape (I had 1/2hr and some tartan material i think i did pretty well!)
Steve thought really i had turned the corner and lost the plot until a friend suggested i looked on the internet for inspiration - i had no idea that superhero dog costumes were such big business 'Costume dogs' was my favourite website

Frank's doesn't really live up to these does it, but he does look very smart doesn't he!!


New Religion

On Saturday I had a GB meeting and for our devotions to start the meeting we went upstairs (GB is under All Hallows Church/Wallspace) to look at the new Damien Hirst exhibition New Religion.
I am not usually a big fan of Damien Hirst - but i really liked this collection and i think one of the things that made it, was that it was in a working Anglican Church, so the exhibition has to be looked at in the context of its surroundings - you have to make a connection between God and Art. New Religion uses Christian iconography to explore the areas of belief, life and death. Damien Hirsts use of pharmaceutical images in place of the usual images suggests medicines/medical science is our new god.

New Religion highlights the conflict between science and religion. Damien Hirst said "People tend to think of them as two very separate things, one cold and clinical, the other emotional and warm and loving. I wanted to leap over those boundaries and give you something that looks clinical and cold but has all the religious, metaphysical connotations too."

if you get a chance to see it i would highly recommend it



Last night some friends and i went to see Duke Special at the Thekla
It was brilliant!
His music is so quirky, as my friend said - a mix of 70's Queen /Led Zep and a clarinet and triangles!

I have seen him before at various festivals but the intimacy of the Thekla gave the gig a whole different atmosphere - Duke interact with the crowd and clearly enjoyed playing on a ship - with his particularly special rendition of Sinking boat blues - sung from the middle of the crowd!

here is a cute little video/animation of his latest song Freewheel


McDonalds Subliminal Advertising

Video quality not great but keep watching ...


not so well travelled

create your own visited countries map
I have always considered myself as someone who was really well travelled. Ellen's blog put pay to that!
the world is a big place!


Is this really in Nepal?

Reuters reported yesterday that Nepal showed Machu Picchu in an tourism ad - whoops!

Have you seen Nepal?



Yesterday my parents emigrated to Portugal after nearly 9 months of living with them - we had kind of got use to having them around, and it is with mixed feelings we said goodbye.

Relationships with parents is a strange thing and influences so many of our other relationships. I am lucky i have a very good relationship with mine (even after 9 months!) but still there are times when they manage to bring out the 16 year old in me - stomping off to my room and slamming my door. But they are also the ones that no matter what i did would still be there for me and there is a real security in that and it is not until you are faced with others families and their relationships - sometimes more dysfunctional sometimes more healthy than yours that maybe you see what a strong influencing relationship that is.

When i was at college Christians all around me where talking about the influence parents (particularly fathers - a i went to a very patriarchal church then and God surely could only be male) had on your relationship with God, and though some of it i now think is sentimental rubbish i see there is a truth in it as well. If parents influence the type of relationships we form on earth they must influence the type of spiritual relationships we form and how we respond to the spiritual world.