

for the first time the BBC are doing an Autumnwatch (instead of the usual Springwatch) there is something extremely compelling about these programmes, (despite not being a huge fan of bill odie!) I don't know if it is watching everyday nature up close and unfolding on a day to day basis, when you can't get out yourself and do that?

I am loving the Red deer parts of the programme - mainly because it is filmed on Rum! which is a beautiful Scottish Island on the west coast of scotland.
There is also a seal diary - which is filmed on another scottish island (the Monach Isles) off the west coast of Lewis (the outer hebridies)

if you've not seen it i would recommend watching it (BBC2 week nights at 8pm)


charity said...

I can see this is going to be a tv blog!!! hee hee.

Gayle said...

the winter is coming i need to be inside where it is warm! promise it won't be a TV blog!